

Sponsor werden

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Thrive Conference is the perfect way for you to engage with the IT community.

Conference Partner

2.500 €

1.750 €

30% off till December 31st

Company logo on the conference website

Company logo on promotional materials

Company logo on the billboard at the event venue

Promo materials, placed in conference bags

3x sponsor description on the social networks of the conference

A 60 minute speaking slot

Naming one of the conference rooms after the sponsor

Exhibition booth in the foyer of the event venue (*people from the sponsor booth don’t have access to sessions)

Table and chairs, power supply + internet

Company logo on billboard

Food at the conference for 2 people from the exhibition booth

Number of full conference passes: 2


1.500 €

1.050 €

30% off till December 31st

Company logo on the conference website

Company logo on promotional materials

Company logo on the billboard at the event venue

Promo materials, placed in conference bags

1x sponsor description on the social networks of the conference

A 60 minute speaking slot (Extra fee)

Naming one of the conference rooms after the sponsor (Extra fee)

Exhibition booth in the foyer of the event venue (*people from the sponsor booth don’t have access to sessions)

Table and chairs, power supply + internet

Company logo on billboard

Food at the conference for 2 people from the exhibition booth

Number of full conference passes: /


900 €

630 €

30% off till December 31st

Company logo on the conference website

Company logo on promotional materials

Company logo on the billboard at the event venue

Promo materials, placed in conference bags

1x sponsor description on the social networks of the conference

A 60 minute speaking slot

Naming one of the conference rooms after the sponsor

Exhibition booth in the foyer of the event venue (*people from the sponsor booth don’t have access to sessions)

Table and chairs, power supply + internet

Company logo on billboard

Food at the conference for 2 people from the exhibition booth

Number of full conference passes: /

Other options



30% off till December 31st

A 60 minute speaking slot - 1.200€

Sponsor logo on the conference t-shirt - 450€

Sponsor logo on the badge lanyards - 400€

Material sponsor

Media sponsor

Evening event sponsorship - 1000€

Upgrades for the sponsorship package (Gold)

Naming one of the conference rooms after the sponsor - 400€

A 60 minute speaking slot - 500€

In der Broschüre für unsere Sponsoren finden Sie alle Details und Informationen für Sponsoren.

Wir bieten Standardpakete, sind aber immer offen für Feedback.

Kontaktieren Sie uns unter +386 1 5136 993 | und wir melden uns unverzüglich.

Previous Sponsors

Lightning Tools
Simit Sarayi
Računalniške novice