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Paolo Pialorsi MVP; MCM, Senior Consultant Italy
Paolo Pialorsi is a consultant, trainer, and author who specializes in developing Microsoft 365 and Microsoft SharePoint-based enterprise solutions. Paolo works in a company of his own (, and has a great deal of experience on Microsoft 365, Office 365 and SharePoint, and he is a Microsoft Certified Solutions Master – Charter SharePoint, as well as a Microsoft Office Apps and Services MVP.
He is also a regular speaker at international IT conferences. He spoke at Microsoft TechEd Europe, the European SharePoint Conference, the SharePoint Conference in the USA, Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft Inspire, and many other IT conferences worldwide.
Paolo is the author for Microsoft Press of many books about .NET, Windows, SharePoint, and Office 365. The latest book published is “Programming Office 365”. He also wrote some Italian-language books about .NET, XML and Web Services.
Since January 2015, Paolo is a proud member of the SharePoint PnP Core Team (