

Skip Navigation LinksDubravko Marak - Data protection within your environment


Data protection within your environment

, Graščina Bonadea Level: 300 Microsoft 365; Cloud; Azure; Security; Microsoft Teams; Exchange; Admin; End User; CxO

Data protection is hot topic today. Basically we need to ask us which data needs to be protected (where this data is stored), how (from whom), for how long, and of course why.
Within this session we would like to show you how to get answers on prevoiusly asked questions and how to implement  adequate protection.
This session is intended for CxO, CISO, Data Privacy Officer and personal who are dealing with it on a daily base

31. 05. 2023 13:45
31. 05. 2023 14:45
Dubravko Marak
Graščina Bonadea