, Graščina Gratiosa
Level: 300
Azure; Microsoft 365; Cloud; Development; Microsoft Teams; SharePoint; Admin
Durable Functions is an Azure Functions extension that allows the writing of stateful functions in a serverless compute environment, defining stateful workflows, and writing orchestrator functions and stateful entities by writing entity functions using the Azure Functions programming model. Behind the scenes, the extension manages state, checkpoints, and restarts, allowing us to focus on just the business logic.
PnP PowerShell is now a cross-platform PowerShell Module providing cmdlets that work with Microsoft 365 environments and more specifically SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Planner, and Microsoft Flow. Azure Functions already support having PnP PowerShell scripts running but on this new version, we will walk through how to achieve the same with the cross-platform version of the module.
In this session learn:
• How to leverage the PnP.PowerShell cross-platform module using azure durable functions with real case scenarios where we will define automated functions to configure, manage and deploy Microsoft Office 365 using the PnP cmdlets.
• Typical applicational patterns that can benefit from Durable Functions (Function chaining, Fan-out/fan-in, Async HTTP APIs, Monitoring, Human interaction)
All using the power behind this new version of PnP PowerShell, now …. And again, without writing a line of C# code. 😊