

Skip Navigation LinksToni Pohl - Use Adaptive Cards and Actionable Messages and take action in Microsoft 365


Use Adaptive Cards and Actionable Messages and take action in Microsoft 365

, Thais Level: 300 Cloud; Development; Microsoft 365; SharePoint; Microsoft Teams

Adaptive Cards and Actionable Messages are a simple and powerful declarative layout format that offer a lot of flexibility and allow for visually rich cards. Adaptive cards and the fluid framework create a new experience in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Viva, Outlook and Outlook on the web. In this session you will learn about the different options and capabilities of adaptive cards and how they can enhance your daily routines to speed up business processes. You will also see that the same experience is true for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Viva.

30. 05. 2023 15:15
30. 05. 2023 16:15
Toni Pohl