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Your Data Has a Story to Tell

, Mangart Level: 200 BI

Microsoft Power BI includes dozens of visualizations, and there are hundreds more available through AppSource... How do you know which to use?  To use a common phrase: It depends! The purpose of creating data visualizations is to tell a story. It may be to persuade, to inform, to track, or to provide insights into complex data. The type of data and your purpose in sharing it will help determine which visuals are most appropriate.
This session will cover data visualization in general - which visuals best tell which stories. To frame the discussion, we’ll use the set of built-in Power BI visuals to demonstrate what’s most effective in different scenarios. You’ll come away with a better understanding of how to tell your data’s story, and the ability to go beyond pie and bar charts.

25.05.2022 11:45
25.05.2022 12:45
Sandy Ussia